Monday, July 29, 2019

Organizational Analysis Paper of the American Heart Association Essay

I will be discussing in detail the creation and reasons of the American Heart Association, it’s importance, the functions and responsibilities of the American Heart Association, the stakeholders’ impact towards the American Heart Association and what are the affects as a stakeholder. Keywords: American Heart Association, functions, responsibilities, stakeholders Birth of the American Heart Association The American Heart Association has evolved into a nation-wide program since its birth in the 1915. According to American Heart Association (2010) a group of social workers and doctors in New York formed the Association for Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease. Due to the minimal information regarding heart disease people with heart disease are considered doom and most were in bed rest. Many doctors research and studied to determine if people with heart disease could return to a normal life and also return to work. Soon, associations started to form along the East Coast, mainly in Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago in the 1920s. In 1924, six cardiologists together form the American Heart Association. Their main goal was to share research from cities across the United States and Canada and promote further study. According to American Heart Association (2010), the six cardiologists were Drs. Lewis A. Connor and Robert H. Hasley of New York, Paul White of Boston, Joseph Sailer of Philadelphia, Robert B. Preble of Chicago, and Hugh D. McCulloch of St. Louis. Drs. James B. Herrick of Chicago and William S. Thayer of Baltimore were also instrumental with the founding of the association. See more: how to write an analysis paper There were no education or awareness of heart disease and their main goal was to inform many physicians and scientists of the seriousness of heart disease. American Heart Association, (2010) The American Heart Association thought of ways to share the research and studies to the public and in 1946, according to American Heart Association (2010) they received a donation from the American Legion of $50,000 to conduct a research and to develop a community rheumatic fever program. The AHA reorganized and a couple of years later, non-medical volunteers assisted in business management, fundraising, communication, and public education. The AHA made their public appearance on a radio contest in 1948 called â€Å"The Walking Man,† which netted $1. 75 million. The AHA started setting up divisions across the country the following year and raised $2. 7 million. Growth of the American Heart Association The growth of the AHA has been rapid, in numbers, financial resources, and influence, both national, and international. According to American Heart Association (2010), in order to better serve their affiliate and local divisions nationwide changes of the National Center from New York to Dallas was a better idea. Between 1980 and 1986, they made internal changes and wanted to make a louder and clearer voice in reaching out to the public. They developed guidelines for the national health care system. While the federal government attempt to make changes and improvements AHA supported them at the same time continuing to strengthen internal management and programs. As they made changes AHA also concentrated on their mission statement and three areas of specialty important to AHA: cardiovascular science, cardiovascular education, and community programs. The AHA supported new research projects, move scientific staff into one building and sponsor creative professional education programs. Women and minorities were part of the association’s leadership ranks and resulted in more efforts and understanding of heart and stroke disease on women and minorities. In the 1990s, scientific finding began to move more quickly from laboratories and clinics to the physician offices and American households. They outsourced through journals and publishing online. Their strategy was improving affiliate research programs and creating new divisions dealing with stroke and emergency cardiac care. In November 1998, the AHA created a division called the American Stroke Association, which developed stroke education programs, stroke-related research and supported stroke victims and their caregivers American Heart Association (2010). According to American Heart Association (2010) in 2007, a budget of $700 million was granted in support of research, community programs, advocacy, public, and professional education. AHA used the funds for research on CPR training, pacemakers, microsurgery, bypass surgery, life-extending drugs and artificial heart valves. AHA focused on sending out a message emphasizing society to quit smoking, control blood pressure, dieting, be physically active, and maintain a healthy weight. The AHA is also a provider for first aid. Functions and Responsibilities of American Heart Association According to Stover, E (n. d. ), the AHA is a nonprofit organization and is a voluntary organization funded mostly by donors. The AHA depends on more than 3. 7 million people to carry out its goals and have raised over $1 billion since 1949. They create annual goals, taking on the responsibility of reducing heart disease and stroke. For example, in 2009, the goal of the AHA was to reduce smoking, lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. They reduced it by 25% by 2010. The responsibility of the AHA is to divide the organization’s responsibilities into seven areas whereas eight main offices operate nationwide. The seven areas include the office of chief executive, the advocacy division, corporate operations, field operations, healthcare market division, science operations and customer technology strategies, Stover, E (n. . ). The mission of the AHA is â€Å"Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. † Stakeholders in the American Heart Association There are a number of stakeholders involved with the American Heart Association. They include volunteers, employees, partners, vendors, and customers. They play an important part in the function and day to day operations of the AHA. Without the volunteers and employees, the AHA would cease and the American public would not obtain the latest information on preventing heart disease and stroke disease. Without vendors and partners, the AHA would not have the funds and support to make breakthroughs in further preventing heart disease and stroke disease. Without customers, the AHA would not have information for their studies and research to find new medicines or technology to prevent these diseases. So everyone has an important part to the success and expansion of the AHA. The American Heart Association has been a major influence of the lives of the public both nationally and internationally. They have given the public a better nderstanding of what heart and stroke disease are and the seriousness of these diseases. They also have programs and educational material available on what he or she can do as a patient as well as a supporter to make a difference in his or her life and to prevent from getting these diseases. They have classes on CPR and first aid in the event that they encounter someone who is suffering from a heart disease or stroke. I think that without the AHA, there would be a high rate of people dying from these diseases and people would not know what to do if they come across this disease or prevent it.

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